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JOURNAL OF THE GALWAY ARCHÆOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY JGAHS Vol. I (1900–1901), No. ii, Nolan, J. P.: Galway Castles and Owners in 1574, 109-123.
JOURNAL OF THE GALWAY ARCHÆOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIETY JGAHS Vol. I (1900–1901), No. ii, Nolan, J. P.: Galway Castles and Owners in 1574, 109-123.
By Colonel J. P. Nolan, M. P.
The date of the annexed List is 1574. It seems to have been compiled for the use of the Lord Deputy, Sir Henry Sydney, who planned the composition of "Connaught, which was carried into effect by Sir John Perrot, in 1585.
Hardiman dubs this a 1585 lst, and refers it to the Titus Manuscripts. I could not discover the list in the Titus Manuscripts, British Museum, but found
it in the Carew Manuscripts of Lambeth Palace. In his Iar-Connaught Hardiman has published three Baronies only, and it is probable that this list has never before been printed in its entirety. A synopsis is published in the Carew Papers but not a tithe of the castles or castle owners is there given. The supposed 1685 and this 1574 list are identical and are not two independent enumerations.
I must warn the casual reader against accepting as a surname any Mac or Fitz. These are generally Burkes, but in O'Kelly'scontainingbeing country sometimes O'Kelly. The remark possibly also applies to O'Flahertys and O'Maddens. I is doubtful whether McSwyne is an original surname or denotes Burke: McWalter, McMoyler. McReamon, FitzAmbrose, McEdmond, McDavy, &c., are Burkes.
The Transcription. has been made by a skilled copyist, recommended to me by the polite and erudite Librarian of Lambeth Palace.
Lambeth Palace Library.
CAREW MSS. Vol. 611. fos. 239-246.
The County of Gawaye conteyninge y* Counties of Claricard Imany by West the Suk, Syllanchy, Jeher Conaght, Clanconway & Cerkomoe, beinge near L miles in length & xxxti in bredth is noe appoynted & devided into xv Baronys named and conteyninge plowlands, as followeth, viz.
Baronyes. Parish Churches. Gentlemen. Castles.
The Barony of Long- Vicar of Kilewayne Omadyn of Longfort
ford wth conteyneth Vicar of Kiloran Ohowran of ffaheioran
y Country of Syllanchy " " Kilmalonog Cogh Omadin of Clare
& Clonvic knoyne by west " " Kylcluny Cogh Omadin of Kilcwayne
Sucke x myles longe " " Dononoght Conor McHugh Avly} Cloynelehaue}
and iiij broad and is " " Kilvellardagh oge & Amacha McHugh} 3 Castles}
in plowlande after the " " Cloynferte Millike broken by}
rate of xx vj Acres to " " Tyreneskaragh The Queens Ma theries sonnes}
every plowland xvj " " Kaeltaraghbride Omadin of Cloynefeigh
Omadin Owen Omadin " " ffahioran The Bishop of Clonfert Lysenffe
Cogh Omadin and " " Kyleymar Owen Omadin of Breakeloyne
Shane ne Moyne cheife " " Kiltormor Therle of Clanricard Portvnma
in the same. " " Lyscivill Melaghlin O'Kelly of Lykloystrane
" " Killalaght Gyllernew Odonellan Lysnasille
" " Killgerill Shane ne Moy of Cloynigne
Mahe McTully of Garowally
Tvell Odonellan and Ballydonellan
Gill patrick Odonellan ii castles
Baronyes. Parish Churches. Gentlemen. Castles.
The Baronye of Vicar of Kilenly Villig Burk* theries son of Letrym
Letrym conteyninge " " Kilteskyne The Bishop of Clonfert of Tynnaghe
The Country Torhe- " " Dvneyrie Carbery McEgan & y*
loman in Length Judges of Dvnery
x miles v in " " Kilvean McWilliam Roe of Nayll
bredth & is after " " Letrym Therle of Clanric of Cloynedaghwe
like rate plowlands " " Tynnagh Wm White theries man of Kilmacragh
xij. Therle of " " Ballenekille Jhonick fitz Thoms of Lysenayde
Clanricard cheife and of Dery
in the same. Thomas fitz Jhonick of Ballntroghane
Ricard McRedmund of Colyne
Willm Burke of Ballenekill
Ric Burke fiz Ric of Beallafynlyne
Jhonyck fitz Thomas of Palice
Ric Oge fiz Ric fiz Moyler Ballynsmalle
Edmund fiz Ric fiz Moyler Ballingarayne
Redmund the B sonne Kilenly
Therle of Claricard Annaghbride
Tege McGill patrick of Bealladugane
Redmund therle brother of Beallanenean
John Burk the B. sonne Lyscwyle
Shane McVillig &}
McWilliam Roe of} Ballindrumnine
Ric Oge McRichard}
McMoyler} Shorte Castlesenolkin
and of} Beallanadaragh
Moyler the Bishops}
sonne of} Tyrehane
Donogh Mc Wm McGara of Moyvaghny
Tege McEsmund filh+}
Wm McGara} Lisuanarigh
Murrogh Mcfferigh Lisnacode
Owen Omadin Cloghane
* (The mention of the Earl's sons, Ulick and John, would suffice to prove that the date at which this list was compiled was not that assigned to it by Hardiman, viz. 1586. For the Earl died in 1582, and this Ulick succeeded to the earldom in November of that year. From 1570 to 1582 the country was, as is well known, in a terrible state of turmoil through the dispute between these two brothers, and the resulting ills were, of course much aggravated by the endeavours of Sir Henry Sidney and others to set matters right. In 1580 the brothers bound themselves to keep the peace, and of Ulick Sir H. Malbie wrote "I have a good liking to him, for he is no lover of thieves." But "the inward hatred of the two brothers for the legitimacy" was still "very great." Carew MSS. II. 404, 414. On their father's death the earldom was awarded to Ulick, and it was recommended that John be made Baron of Leitrim. Id. 499-t.)
Baronyes. Parishes. Gent. Castles.
The Baroyne of Vicar of Loghrevgh Therle of Clanricard Loghrevgh+
Loghrevgh con- " " Killindyne Ullick McOwge* Ballychonebeg
teininge Eragh- " " Kilknoykuye Mac Owge Ballychonymore
towge Monteralyee " " Killenvir Mac Owge & Wm McTibbot Ballegaste
& McHubbards Landes " " Kilhigne Mac Owg Killyndyma
and is after like " " Kilchoneren Thomas fitz Wm Oge Ballywrother
rate plowlands xviij " " Dromcoe Shane Obrother for therle Lakafyna
Therle of Clanricard " " Kiltomas Ric Oge McOwge Nakara
McOwge & McHubbard " " Isherkealy Walter Burke Cahernamvke
cheife in the same. " " Stradbaly Thomas Balvburke of Tullubbayne
Ullick Caragh McHubberd Cragrosty
Mac Hubert Clogan
Redmud McHubert roe Castle Boye
McHubert chief of his sept Isherdkelly
Shane Offae of Dvnally
McHubert Laveleconogher
Redmund Kiltagh Killinkelle Vaghte
* (The McOwges are Burkes-t.)
+("The very receptacle of the rebels, and well fortified," 1572. Carew MSS. I. 286. "Balliloghreughe, a principal house of the Earl's." id. II. 45.-t.)
Baronyes. Parishes. Gent. Castles.
The Barony of Vicar of Kilthom's Therle of Clanricard}
Dvnkellyn wch " " Ardrahane eldest sonne Baron of} Dvnkellyn
conteyneth the " " Kiltigyne Hubt McEdmud McVllig Cloghestokin
Clanheries lands " " Kilcrist Richard McVllig Soeffyne
and Kilnagory, " " Kilcolgan Vllig Caragh McEdmud
Mary and the " " Killogillyn and his brethern Gortenemakyn
Lande of Athenry " " Owran More Shane McEdmund McVllig Row
and is after " " Ballenecourte Shane Reowgh Cragyumlgreny
like rate plowlands Shane fitz John Burke Mauen
xx Therle of Edmud McUlligs sonnes Caher geale
Clanricard John Shane Oge fitz John of Clogheroky
oge ffitz John Moyler Oge of Ballymicrahe
ffitz Edmund Shane Oge fitz John fitz Ed Corbally
and Shane Mc Walter fitz Ric Burke Ardrahane
brene mac Gylle- John Therles sonne Kilcolgane
Kelly chiefe in Shane McBrene McGilkely Cloghballymore
the same. Shane Ballagh Dromharsna
Redmund McHubert Bally McDuffe
Henry Parell of ILand Edde
Walter Mcffregha of Kragane
David Ballagh and}
Slight tybbot} Moneduffe
John therles sonne Owran More
Walter Burke Roscame
Stephen Lynch of Doghiske
Willm McRichard of Ballynvrotty
Richard McThomas Oge
and his sonnes Renville
Redmund Reogh Caherformase
McWm Donns sept Toberbrekan
Baronies. Parishes. Gent. Castles.
The Baronie of Vicar of Kilmea Tege O'Chane Rowycahan
Kiltaraght* con- " " Dvacen John Oge fitz John fitz Ed Tvllery
teining Lynaly " " Hishekally Richard Burke Rahally
Eraghtreamon " " y* smal churches Mac Creamon Ballyconeill
and Krelovieragh " " Coroscarnain Oheyne Cahirellenayn
x myles longe & " " Reagh Owen Mantagh Oheyne Kynvare
six broade & is " " Kynmare Mac Renion Ballecastle
after like rate " " Kylvine Owen Mantagh Ohein Leidegan
plowelands xv " " Kylenayne Oheyn Caher Glassan
Oshaghnes Mc " " Kylora fferigh Oheyn Dvngwory
Remon Oheyn " " Dures Osaghnes Gorte
and Owen " " Kiltaraght Derby Oshaghnes Newton
Manhtagh Ohein " " Kyllile Wm Oshaghnes Ardnemoellovan
cheife in the same. " " Dromothoe} John Oshaghnes ffedan
and Scarvale} Therle of Claricard Beallaturin
Vicar of Kilveignata John Oshaghnes ILland More
" " Keillovieragh John Therles sonne {The new forte in
Wm Roe McHubert Hagarde
* (Kiltartan.-t.)
Baronies. Parishes. Gent. Castles.
The Baronie of Vicar of Rahvne Rory Oflairte+ of Mvykullen
Mvikvllen* con- " " Killanen Murrogh ne doo of Nowghe
eyninge Cosarge " " Galway and of Achnevir
Gnovore, Gnobeg " " Mvikullen Thomas Colman Mynlagh
Loghcurb, & " " Kylcomayne Jonick Ohalorane Ohery
Keildrome Dirge " " Kellinkelogh Owen Ohalorane Bearne
xx myles long, & Domynick Lynche Tyrellan
x broad and Rolland Skeret Short Castle
is after like Donell Oge Ohologhan [Nolan] Qwarown browne
rate plowlands v. Wm and Redmund}
Morogh ne Doo mac Wm ffiegh} Kellyn
cheife in the Redmud McThomas Ballymvritty
same. Redmud Reogh Ballindully
Richard Beg Cloynecanyn
Davy Avhny Lysacowly
John blacke fitz Ricard Kiltullagh
John Blake fitz Ric Kiltorog
Thomas Blake Ballemicro
Thomas & John Blake Turlaghnesheamon
Muriertagh Oconor Tullekyhan
Martyn Lynch New Castle
* (including the Barony of Galway.-t.)
+ (Grandfather of the author of Ogygis, etc.-t.)
(This list for the Barony of Moycullen is given complete by Hardiman (Iar-Connaught, Notes. p. 252.) He speaks of the MS. as Titus B. xiii. (Cotton Library. Brit. Mus.) I cannot find any synopsis of the Lambeth Library. MS., as referred to ante, p. 109, in the printed "Calendar of the Carew MSS." 6 vols. 1867, etc.-t.)
Baronies. Parishes. Gent. Castles.
The Baronie of Vicar of Killen James Lynch Arkyne
Arran conteyninge which is in the great Domynick Lynch Inishmean
y ILande of Arran ILand and in the and of Inishery
vij leagues distant two other ILands there which they hould
from Galway into are two other parish of Murrough Nedoe*
the mayne sea Churches so that
by estimation xij in this Barony there
miles of length are but three parish
and is after like Churches
rate plowlands iiij
Murrough nedoe
oflairty cheif * (Much interesting information concerning Murrough ne doe O'Flaherty will be found in Iar-Connaught.-t.)
in the same.
Baronies. Parishes. Gent.+ Castles.
The Baronie of Vicar of Ballinekelly Donell Ecowga* Balleneheuse
Ballenehence " " Ballindoyne Edmund Oflairte Kyllindowne
conteyninge " " Omeya Edmunde McHugh A new Castle
y ij Conymares " " Maiorns Ochaghy of Letermellan
viij myles long Donell Ecowga Bonowyn
& vi broade, & is Tege ne Buly of Ardvearere
after like rate Miles McTibbot Reynwylee
plowlands five
Murrough ne Doo
Oflairty cheife + (All O'Flahertys except McTibbot. J.P.N.)
in the same. * (Husband of Grania O'Malley.-t.)
Baronies. Parishes. Gent. Castles.
The Baronie of Vicar of Cloynebirne Mac Davy* of Beallamoe
Beallamoe conteyn- " " Kilcrvayne and of Dvnvmayne
ing Clanoonway x " " Kilveignate Hubert boy McDavy of Glynske
miles longe & v " " Boyonaghe and of Krega
broade & is after " " Templetogher McDavy of Liscrisighane
like rate plowlands " " Ballynakille and of Cloghane Kellebig
v Mac Davy and " " Donomayne and of Kilorvayne
Hubert Boy McDavy Tibbot Vlligs sonnes Castletogher
cheife in the same. James Osknegin of Kilveignata
*(The Davys are Burkes.-J.P.N.) Mac Keggen of Cloghtrintynode
Baronies. Parishes. Gent. Castles.
The Baronye of Vicar of Dvnmore The L. Brimingham}
Dvnmore conteininge " " Kilchvne baron of Athenry} Dvnmore
Conikne x myles " " Kilconula Walter Brimingham Balleyvollen by west
long and viij broad " " Kilcrenonaght James Brimingham of ffertibeg
and is after like " " Liskenay and of ffertymore
rate plowlands xvi " " Adrugill Donell Ohigin+ of Kilclvne
The Lord Berming- " " Killereran Lyskew
ham* cheife in Tybbot McJonyn+ Toberkewgh
the same. Beallaghaley
Thomas Brimingham Beallaslevn
Thomas Balve Dvnbally
*("A poor baron, though the ancientest in this land." Sir H. Cosin McEgan Tullene Daly
Sydney, from Galway, 1576. Carew MSS. II. 88.-t.) L. Brimingham Turlaghmoghane
Richard Brimingham Beallaglore
+ ("It is not quite clear whether these names are opposite to Edmund McMelaghlin Castle moell
the right castle.-t.) Tharchbushop Tuame
Baronies. Parishes. Gent. Castles.
The Boronie of Vicar of Clare Therle of Clanric Clare
Clare conteininge " " Kilmillayn Ullig Rewgh Dromgriffin
Moyntagh McHugh " " Lekagh John Lynch fitz Wm Yowghvle
Moynter Moroghowe " " Kilmicrian Tybbot Lyegh Lestcananon
and Maghere reogh " " Bealclarhome Mac Walter called}
x miles long and Thomas McHenry} Ballenduffe
vi broade and is Moyler McShean Cloynebow
after like rate Walter fitz Ab fitz Ed. Masse
plowlands xvj Nicholas Lynch Anaghcoyne
John Burke fitz Henry fitzEdmund Leakagh
Thomas Mac Hugh McReamon Cloghenwoyr
& Mac Creamon Ullig McReamon Castle Hakett
cheife in the same. Walter Burke Kilnemanagh
McWalters sept Caher morise
Moyler McReamon Anaghkyne
Wm Grany McRic Cloghran
Redmund McMoyler McRic Bealclarhome
Redmund McWalter Aghkyne
Vllig McRichard Comor
William Gaynard Carigin
Moyler McRichard Tawnagh
Richard Burke Coroffyny
James fitz Ambrose Anvale
Thomas Balve Qwarahonyn
Thomas Ballagh Beallabeanchere
John Burke fitz Tho. of Ballindere
*and of Deremaclaghlyn
Murrough McSwyne Kyliskiegh
Edmud Owhny Achrym
Walter boy Grange
John Oge fitz John fitz Ed Carnan
Richard Burke fitz Tho. Beallanea
Tirlagh Caragh Mc} Cahirnefieke
(*Richard Burke in 1582. Carew MSS. II. 499.-t.) Swyne} ffoxes Castle
Baronies. Parishes. Gent. Castles.
The Baronie of Vicar of Killihane Conor Oge of Killihane
Kyllihane contey- " " Kylrian Hugh McTirilagh Beallagharee
ning the whole " " Ballenekille Shane OKelly New Castle
Corohous & Ballynay
Achiarte ix Cogh OKelly Castle legweren
myles longe & William OKelly Gallaghe
iiij broade, & is
plowlands after
like rate viij
Conor Oge OKelly
cheife in the same.
Baronies. Parishes. Gent. Castles.
The Boronye of Vicar of Kilconell Lyngh McDonell OKelly Clogher
Kilconell conteyning " " Moyhena Melaghlin McDonell Cloynebroke
Toehycally pobull- " " Kilemoirmovay Donell McShane Slewcastle
Kewgh and Eraght " " Achrym The B: of Clonfert Achaskaragh
Carbery x miles " " Killan Tege McMelaghlin OKelly Done
long and iiij broad " " Ahaskaragh Hugh McWard Anagh
and is plowlands after Wm OKelly of Callowgh
like rate xiiij Short Castle
Wm OKelly cheife Callogh OKelly of Achrim
in the same. McWarde Kullenvrtane
Melaghlin McConor Qwarownea
Richard boy OKelly of Castlebynne
John Moell OKelly Bynbego
Richard boy OKelly Motly
Shane Moell Lysnafolthnahy
Dermott ODaly Kyleymor
Shane ODaly Laghrae
Willm OKelly of New Castle
Baronies. Parishes. Gent. Castles.
The Baronie of Vicar of Kilgerin The Q. Majesty The Towne of Athenry+
Kingestowne* " " Athenry The Dolphinagh Barowdy
conteyning " " Ballan Vllig Ogebeg of Dunsander
Maghre Vonvoye " " Kilclvny Old Castle
Maghree Altagh " " Kiltullagh Vllig burke of Raghgorgyn
and the Lande " " Cloynteskert Walter Dolphin of Mayode
of Athenry xij Therle of Clanric Beallanehewle
miles long & Moyler McHenry of Ishercleran
vi broade and Moyler McShane Oge Caherkynvonvoy
is plowlands after Moris OKynny of Kowcowgh
like rate xxty Parcell of the Abbey}
John Wall and of Athenry} Balledavy
Vllige Ogebeg Tirlagh McSwyne Kiltullagh
and the Dolphinagh Hugh McSwyne Clogerowayne
cheife in the same. Tybott beg of Cahernyne
Olyverus Roe burke Galbulley
Shane Oge fitz John Burke Beallakerin
Olyverus Roe Benmore
Shane McColle Mc}
Swyne} Raglas
*(now Athenry.-J.P.N.) Walter Wall Drowghty
John Wall of Cowrly
+(totally burned by the Earl's sons, parish church and Tybbot McAwge of Derighonill
all, though the "mother of one of them was buried in that
church." Carew MSS. II. 38.-t.)
Baronies. Parishes. Gent. Castles.
The Baronie of* Vicar of Moyllagh Melaghlin OKelly of Teaqwyn
Doughahghty " " Apbert Conor Mc Wm Mc pson}
Kelly and " " Clurkvne and Shane his brother} Qwarownleane
Corkomoe ix " " Kilchosna Hubert Oconchanon Kiltullagh
myles longe " " Kilcrerin Brene Newtone
& iiij broade " " Killoscobe Conogher OKelly Newcastle
and is plowlands " " Knokmoy Melaghlin Mc an Abbe ffedane
after like rate " " Killowan Hugh OKelly Mollaghee
xxty Melaghlen " " Killosallan Mac Walter Cleghlyn
and Tege OKelly Hugh Mc Edmude Reigh Cladagh
cheife in the same. John fitz Edmud of Laghvally
John McEgan Parrke
* (Now Tiaquin.-J.P.N.) Thomas fitz John Clonekvile
Oconcanon Kolowe
Tege Mc Wm OKelly Molloghmore
Coll McEdmund Cloyneoran
Omanyn Mynlagh
Melaghlen mc an Abb. Garavale
Dermot Omanyn Cloyncoryn
Donell OKelly Keyle Clogher
Donogh Grany Kynclohy
Melaghlin Mc Conor Moynvea
Vllig Lynch Garrandaragh
Conogher McShean en Asse Nabarte
Melaghlin mc en Abb. Dangenyerik
Edmud Mc Melaghlin Bearnegarik
Edmud Mc Melaghlin ILande
Busshoprickes within the County of Galway, viz.,
The Busshopricke of Duacen Stephen Kirwane incumbent
" " " Clonfert Rolland Burke "
" " " Anaghconen Mc Lally "
" " " Suma of Bushoprickes iij
Abbayes within the County of Galwaye.
Abbayes Thabbay of Portumna possessed by Therle of Clanricarde
" " " Millik by the said Earle
" " " Kilcorban " " "
" " " Cloyntoyskerte by Redmund Burke his brother
" " " Monaster Ogormagan by therle
" " " Clonfert by the Bishop of Clonfert
" " " Kynalehyne by the Earle
" " " Kilmacwogh
" " " Kilbought by the Earle
" " " Loghreogh by therle
" " " Athenry
" " " Galway by the Commons of the Towne
The Hill Abbaye by Galwaye by the Commons of tthe same
Thabbay of Clare by Therle
" " Kilnamanagh
" " Rosriella by the grayfreers
" " Anaghcoyne by therle
" " Teaghsaxin
" " Achrim by therle
" " Kilconell by the graye freeres
" " Monaster Leve
The Celle of Holyroode
" " Kaltraghne palice
The Abbaye of Cloynkinkerill
" " " Knockmoy by Nicholas ffitz Symons of Dublin
The Celle of Crewan
Thabbaye of Kilmorenetohere
" " St. Johns in Tvam
" " Monester ne Skryne
The Trynitie Abbaye
Thabbaye of Dunmore by John Burke fitz Thomas
The Nvnnerey of Kilcrewnaght by Therle
Thabbaye of Eney
Thabbaye of Monester Conaght
The third Abbeye in Aren
The Abbaye of St. Mary by West Galway by the Towne
Sum of Abbayes}
within this Countye} xxxvj
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